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Наименование Авторы | A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z А Б В Г Д Е Ё Ж З И Й К Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Щ Ъ Ы Ь Э Ю Я 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ( \ / [ - _ + * . ! |
Unstable states in dissociation of relativistic nuclei Results are presented on the identification of the unstable nuclei \[^{8}\mbox{Be}\] and \[^{9}\mbox{B}\] and the Hoyle state (HS) in the relativistic dissociation of the isotopes \[^{9}\mbox{Be}\] , \[^{10}\mbox{B}\] , \[^{10}\mbox{C}\] , \[^{1... |
Усиление в образовании нестабильного ядра 8Bе с множественностью альфа-частиц при фрагментации релятивистских ядер Исследуется корреляция между образованием нестабильного ядра \[^{8}\mbox{Be}\] и сопровождающих \[\alpha\] -частиц во фрагментации релятивистских ядер \[^{16}\mbox{O}\] , \[^{22}\mbox{Ne}\] , \[^{28}\mbox{Si}\] и \[^{197}\mbox{Au}\] в ядерной э... |
Prospects of searching for unstable nucleus states in relativistic nuclear fragmentation The article is dedicated to the experimental study in the relativistic approach to the problems of nuclear cluster physics for the prospects of the BECQUEREL experiment. The nuclear emulsion method applied in this experiment makes it possible to study tho... |
Correlation in formation of 8Be nuclei and alpha-particles in fragmentation of relativistic nuclei In the events of peripheral dissociation of relativistic nuclei in the nuclear track emulsion, it is possible to study the emerging ensembles of \[\mbox{He}\] and \[\mbox{H}\] nuclei, including those from decays of unstable \[^{8}\mbox{Be}\] and ... |
Проект "Беккерель" |
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