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На нуклотроне ЛВЭ ОИЯИ (г. Дубна) ускорены ядра \[^{7}\mbox{Li}\] и после их перезарядки на внешней мишени сформирован вторичный пучок ядер \[^{7}\mbox{Be}\] с энергией \[1.23\] ГэВ на нуклон. В пучке ядер \[^{7}\mbox{Be}\] облучены камеры ядерн... |
Представлена зарядовая топология периферической фрагментации ядер \[^{7}\mbox{Be}\] с энергией \[1.2 A\] ГэВ в ядерной эмульсии. Детально рассматривается диссоциация ядер \[^{7}\mbox{Be}\] по каналам \[^{7}\mbox{Be} \rightarrow ^{4}\mbox{He} + ^{... |
Charge topology of fragmentation of \[1.2 A\] GeV \[^{7}\mbox{Be}\] nuclei in nuclear track emulsion is presented. The dissociation channels \[^{4}\mbox{He} + ^{3}\mbox{He}\] , \[2^{3}\mbox{He}+n\] , \[^{4}\mbox{He} + 2^{1}\mbox{H}\] are consider... |
The results of investigation of the fragmentation of relativistic nuclei \[^{9}\mbox{Be}\] in an emulsion, which is accompanied by the formation of two \[1.2 A\] GeV He fragments, are presented. The angular measurements of the \[^{9}\mbox{Be}\rightar... |
The technique of nuclear track emulsions is used to explore fragmetation of light relativistic nuclei down to most peripheral interactions - nuclear ”white” stars. Complete pattern of relativistic dissociation of a \[^{8}\mbox{B}\] nucleus with target f... |
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