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Представлены перспективы эксперимента БЕККЕРЕЛЬ, посвященного экспериментальному иссле- дованию в релятивистском подходе проблем физики ядерных кластеров.Используемый метод ядерной эмульсии позволяет полно изучать релятивистские конечные состояния во фраг... |
Using a \[^{6}\mbox{Li}\] -nucleus beam extracted from the JINR Synchrophasotron at the momentum of \[2.67 A\] GeV/c, a secondary beam was produced with a composition of \[1\] % of \[^{6}\mbox{He}\] and \[99\] % of \[^{3}\mbox{H}\] nuclei. Prelim... |
The dissociation of relativistic \[^{7}\mbox{Li}\] nuclei was studied with the photoemulsion technique. The nuclear photoemulsions have been exposed in the beam of \[^{7}\mbox{Li}\] at themomentum of \[3A\] GeV/c at the JINR synchrophasotron inDubna.... |
At the JINR Nuclotron, \[^{7}\mbox{Li}\] nuclei are accelerated. The charge-exchange reaction involving these nuclei at an external target provides a secondary \[1.23-A-\] GeV \[^{7}\mbox{Be}\] beam. This beam is used to irradiate emulsion chambers. ... |
International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei, Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia, 17-22 July, 2006 Recent studies of clustering in light nuclei with an initial energy above \[1 A\] GeV in nuclear track emulsion are overviewed. The results of investigations of the re... |
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