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Features of angular distributions of events involving two or more doubly charged fragments of relativistic nuclei \[^{22}\mbox{Ne}\] , \[^{24}\mbox{Mg}\] , \[^{14}\mbox{N}\] , \[^{11}\mbox{B}\] , and \[^{10}\mbox{B}\] in photoemulsions are studied... |
Исследованы угловые характеристики событий с двумя и более двухзарядными фрагментами реляти- вистских ядер \[^{22}\mbox{Ne}\] , \[^{24}\mbox{Mg}\] , \[^{14}\mbox{N}\] , \[^{11}\mbox{B}\] , \[^{10}\mbox{B}\] в фотоэмульсии. За исключением распада п... |
Slowly extracted relativistic beams of light nuclei and a beam transportation line net system constitute a good base for secondary nuclear beams forming at the LHE accelerator facility. A recent years activity in the field at the Laboratory is connected w... |
“Clusters in Nuclei”, Lecture Notes in Physics, vol. 3, 2012, Springer These lecture notes present the capabilities of relativistic nuclear physics for the development of the physics of nuclear clusters. Nuclear track emulsion continues to be an effecti... |
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