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International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei, Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia, 17-22 July, 2006. |
Nuclear beams of energy higher than \[1 A\] GeV are recognized as a modern tool used for the study of the structure of atomic nuclei. Among the variety of nuclear interactions the peripheral dissociation beams a uniquely complete information about the... |
Множественное образование двухзарядных фрагментов при фрагментации релятивистских ядер Исследованы угловые характеристики событий с дву- мя и более двухзарядными фрагментами релятивистских ядер \[^{22}\mbox{Ne}\] ; \[^{24}\mbox{Mg}\] ; \[^{14}\mbox{N}\] ; \[^{11}\mbox{B}\] ; \[^{10}\mbox{B}\] в фотоэмульсии. За исключением распада п... |
The technique of nuclear track emulsions is used to explore the fragmentation of light relativistic nuclei down to the most peripheral interactions: nuclear “white” stars. A complete pattern of the relativistic dissociation of a \[^{8}\mbox{B}\] nucleus... |
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