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Лаборатория высоких энергий имени В. И. Векслера и А. М. Балдина Объединенный институт ядерных исследований Представлены результаты и перспективы исследования кластеризации при фрагментации легких стабильных и радиоактивных ядер с энергией свыше \[1 А\... |
In the present paper, experimental observations of the multifragmentation processes of light rel- ativistic nuclei carried out by means of emulsions are reviewed. Events of the type of “white” stars in which the dissociation of relativistic nuclei is not ... |
We give an overview of results and prospects of nuclear clustering studies on the grounds of the observations of interactions of light stable and radioactive nuclei with an initial energy above \[1 A}\] GeV in nuclear emulsions. Thank to the best spatia... |
Possibilities of the nuclear emulsion technique for the study of the systems of several relativistic fragments produced in the peripheral interactions of relativistic nuclei are discussed. The interactions of the \[^{10}\mbox{B}\] and \[^{9}\mbox{Be}\... |
The relativistic invariant approach is applied to analyzing the \[3.3 A\] GeV \[^{22}\mbox{Ne}\] fragmentation in a nuclear track emulsion. New results on few-body dissociations have been obtained from the emulsion exposures to \[2.1 A\] GeV \[^{14... |
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