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article / document resource request "5413"
2020-10-10 Presentation at the 20th International Conference Foundations & Advances in Nonlinear Science 28.09-2.10.2020 and the 5nd International Symposium Advances in Nonlinear Photonics 28.09-2.10 2020. Minsk, Belarus 49 P. In the light of rapid development from the middle of the twentieth century to present days of research in the field of nonlinear processes of radiation of charged particles in various types of electronic vacuum devices, it seems interesting to describe some physical phenomena and devices based on these phenomena and functioning in the wide spectrum range from microwave to X-ray. The purpose of such a description is to demonstrate the variety of such devices with their obvious generality in used physical principles, as well as the complex nonlinear dynamics of their functioning. Theoretical and experimental research of each new type of such devices is of great importance for science and practice. The performance and reliability of electronic vacuum devices are currently supported by the use of complex electromagnetic structures based on new materials and advanced technologies. The widespread use of such devices in military and commercial applications requires them to operate reliably with high power, high efficiency, and low cost.
Review is done over the following devices: travelling wave tubes (TWT), backward-wave tubes (BWT) and oscillators (BWO), multi-wave Cherenkov generators, free electron lasers (FEL), volume free electron lasers (VFEL). |
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