2024-07-07 LXXIV International Conference N U C L E U S-2024 Fundamental problems and applications
Dubna, Russia, 1–5 July 2024
Доклад и материалы конференции 15 P. Since beginning of the XXI century the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) gives big attention to the nuclear knowledge management (NKM), based on research and development as well as industrial applications of nuclear technologies. NKM by the IAEA involves the nuclear science in the educational process through creation and development of different educational networks and portals.
Belarusian Nuclear Education and Training Portal (BelNET https://belnet.by/) was created in 2016 by scientists of the Institute for Nuclear Problems of Belarusian State University (INP BSU) to implement NKM principles. Currently it is the only major portal of nuclear knowledge in Belarus with about 5000 records in the main NK fields including current news, glossaries, monographs, textbooks, preprints, materials of international conferences, analytical reviews, special laboratory works for students etc. At the end of 2023, mutually beneficial cooperation between the Laboratory of analytical research of INP and the JINR Nuclotron BECQUEREL experiment began. In this report, the scientific results of cooperation between portal BelNET and BECQUEREL experiment are presented and discussed. |