Fragmentation Channels of Relativistic 7Be Nuclei in Peripheral InteractionsDOI: 10.1134/S1063778807070137
N. G. Peresadko, Yu. A. Aleksandrov, V. Bradnova, etc.
4 P.
Physics of Atomic Nuclei, 2007, Vol. 70, No. 7, pp. 1226–1229.
At the JINR Nuclotron,
nuclei are accelerated. The charge-exchange reaction involving
these nuclei at an external target provides a secondary
beam. This beam is used to
irradiate emulsion chambers. The mean free path
cm for inelastic
in an emulsion coincides within the errors with those for
More than
% of the
events are associated with the peripheral interactions in which the total charge of the relativistic fragments
is equal to the charge of the
nucleus and in which charged mesons are not produced. An unusual ratio
of the helium isotopes is revealed in the composition of the doubly charged fragments of the
the number of the
fragments is twice as large as that of the
Each of
% of peripheral
interaction events includes two doubly charged fragments. The channels of the
fragmentation into
charged fragments are presented. In
% of events, the
fragmentation occurs only into charged
fragments without the emission of neutrons. The
channel dominates, whereas each of the
channels constitutes 10%.
Two events without neutron emission are observed
in the
three-body channels.
The mean free path for the coherent dissociation
of relativistic
nuclei into
is equal to
m. The main features of the fragmentation of
nuclei in such peripheral interactions are explained
by the
two-cluster structure
of the