Материал портала ядерных знаний BelNET
статья/документ по запросу ресурса "5396"
2007-06-06 Presentation at the 12th International Conference "Mathematical Modelling and Analysis" MMA2007. May 28–31, 2007, Trakai, Lithuania 29 P. At present time Volume Free Electron Lasers (VFEL) with volume
distributed feedback (VDFB) are developed actively.
dynamical system with multiple bifurcation points and chaotic
dynamics that means transition between different states with
deterministic periodic and nonperiodic behavior. In electronic
generators and amplifiers such as free electron lasers, backward
wave tubes, travelling wave tubes and others self-oscillations are
due to interaction of electron beam with electromagnetic field
under distributed feedback. Investigation of chaos in such devices
is of great interest in modern physics. In VFEL chaotic dynamics
is induced by such interaction too.
In the work presented nonlinear phenomena originating in VFEL are investigated by methods of mathematical modelling using computer code VOLC. Parametric maps with respect to electron beam current and (1) geometry parameter, (2) detuning from exact Cherenkov condition, (3) length of the target present complicated root to chaos with windows of periodicity. It is demonstrated that this root is carried out via period-doubling cascade, quasiperiodicity and intermittency. Investigation of chaotic lasing dynamics in VFEL is important in the light of experimental development of VFEL in Research Institute for Nuclear Problems. |
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