Материал портала ядерных знаний BelNET
статья/документ по запросу ресурса "5392"
2001-06-03 Presentation at the 6th International Conference "Mathematical Modelling and Analysis" MMA2001, May 31-June 2, Vilnius, 2001, Lithuania 13 P. In this contribution we present analysis of possible finite difference schemes
for numerical solution of test elliptic-hyperbolic equation Such type of problem arose in modeling of new terahertz
sources based on low energy relativistic beams (Project INTAS-97 Ref. No:32041). Mathematical model of such source is described by the system of a few equations of elliptic-hyperbolic type with nonlinearity in the right-hand side.
So, good difference method was the implicit scheme of the first-order approximation with proper left or right difference
derivatives both for hyperbolic and elliptic parts of the equation.
For the full problem of modeling of terahertz sources based on low energy relativistic beams finite difference schemes of the multicomponent modification of the alternating direction method are proposed. By virtue of numerical experiments carried out we may conclude about efficiency of finite difference algorithms presented and about possibility of application of obtained numerical results for future planed experiments.
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