Материал портала ядерных знаний BelNET
статья/документ по запросу ресурса "5367"
2019-12-12 Proc. 44th Int. Conf. Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), 1-6 Sept. 2019, Paris, France 2 P. Ключевые слова: volume free-electron laser, photonic crystal, relativistic electron beam, sub-terahertz radiation In this work we present the results of numerical optimization of volume free-electron laser based on the interaction between electron beam and periodic structure of microwave photonic crystal. The optimization aims at advancement of such device to sub-terahertz frequency range. We show that reduction
of characteristic geometric dimensions allows to increase the oscillation frequency of photonic crystal fundamental mode f_0 up to 12.5 GHz. Moreover, we observe the possibility to generate
microwaves at higher harmonics of fundamental frequency, namely at f_5 = 5 × f_0 = 62.5 GHz, and obtain output power level of about 3.6 kW. |
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