Материал портала ядерных знаний BelNET
статья/документ по запросу ресурса "5269"
2015-04-18 arXiv:physics/arXiv:1504.01889,
DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.1504.01889 25 P. April 2015 The diffraction of electromagnetic waves by screens (apertures in screens) with time-varying dimensions is studied. The generalized vector Kirchhoff's representation for this case is obtained. It is also shown that with accuracy up to the terms of the order of v/c<<1, the expressions for the scattered wave and instantaneous power can be derived from the appropriate expressions for a stationary case by substituting the time-dependent parameters of the screen dimensions (e.g. time-dependent radius) for constant parameters of screen dimensions (e.g., the screen radius) appearing in the formulas describing the stationary case. |
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