Материал портала ядерных знаний BelNET
статья/документ по запросу ресурса "5267"
2014-06-18 arXiv:physics/arXiv:1406.2126,
DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.1406.2126 24 P. June 2014 The expressions for spectral-angular distribution of quasi-Cherenkov radiation emitted by a relativistic particle traversing a photonic crystal are derived. It is shown that for a relativistic particle, passing through a photonic crystal formed by periodically strained threads, the intensity of quasi-Cherenkov radiation emitted at small angles to the direction of particle motion, as contrasted to ordinary Cherenkov radiation, exhibits anisotropic properties as the the photon momentum is rotated about the direction of particle motion (as the crystal is rotated about the direction of particle motion at fixed-angle observation of the outcoming photon). The intensity of quasi-Cherenkov radiation in terahertz and optical ranges is shown to be high enough to allow the experimental study of quasi-Cherenkov radiation in these frequency ranges. |
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