Unstable states in dissociation of relativistic nucleiD. A. Artemenkov, V. Bradnova, M.M. Chernyavsky, etc. 11 P. Eur. Phys. J. A (2020) 56:250 Results are presented on the identification of the
unstable nuclei and
and the Hoyle state (HS) in the
relativistic dissociation of the isotopes , ,
, ,
, and in a nuclear track emulsion (NTE). The main
motivation for the study is the prospect of using these states in
the search for more complex unstable states that decay with
their participation. The possibilities of the NTE method for
studying the contribution of multiple ensembles of the lightest
He and H nuclei to the fragmentation of relativistic nuclei
are described in brief. It is shown that to identify relativistic
decays and and HS in NTE, it is sufficient to determine
the invariant mass as a function of angles in pairs and
triples ofHe andHfragments in the approximation of conservation
of momentum per nucleon of the parent nucleus. The
formation of HS in the dissociation is observed.
According to the criteria established in thisway, the contribution
of the unstable states to the relativistic fragmentation of
and nuclei was estimated. Promising applications
of the NTE method in the study of nuclear fragmentation are
discussed. |