Studies of light nicleus clustering in relativistic multifragmentation processesV. Bradnova, A. D. Kovalenko, A. I. Malakhov, etc. 10 P. arXiv:nucl-ex/0604009, v1, 14 Apr, 2006. We give an overview of results and prospects of nuclear clustering studies on the grounds of the observations of interactions of light stable and radioactive nuclei with an initial energy above GeV
in nuclear emulsions. Thank to the best spatial resolution and the full solid angle acceptance pro-
vided by nuclear emulsions, such an approach allows one to obtain unique and evident observations
reflecting cluster-like features in light nuclear structures. New results on dissociation of in very
peripheral interactions with emulsion nuclei are presented. The importance of this research for the
physics of few body nuclear systems and the related problems of nucleosynthesis is noted. The
paper is illustrated with characteristic images obtained by means of a microscope equipped with
a CCD camera. The discussed explorations are provided with the beams of the Synchrophasotron
and Nuclotron of JINR, Dubna. Future investigations are suggested to be carried out in relativistic
beams of
, , , , and isotopes.