15 P. The program of irradiation of emulsions in Nuclotron’s beams named BECQUEREL Project is destined to continue irradiation in newly produced beams with the purpose of studying in detail processes of fragmentation of light radioactive nuclei, as well as obtaining basic information about the charge states of secondary particles in irradiating by moderate and heavy nuclei. The expected results would make it possible to answer some topical questions concerning the cluster structure of light radioactive nuclei and to clarify the role of the collective effects in a dense matter of colliding nuclei. Thanks to the best spatial resolution, the nuclear emulsions would enable one to obtain unique results along these lines. Irradiations will be performed in the secondary beams of This project combines efforts of a number of teams of possessing scanning and measuring devices (microscopes) and emulsion processing equipments. Of special interest is use by the emulsion collaboration of a completely automatic microscope complex of the P. N. Lebedev Physics Institute. This collaboration owns unique information and experience in processing experimental information on the interactions of light nuclei obtained in Dubna and that for heavy nuclei at energies obtainable in BNL and CERN (former EMU Collaboration). The results on the coherent dissociation of The emulsions are especially helpful in the study with neutron deficit nuclei. It is especially
interesting to search for proofs that there exists a proton halo for radioactive nuclei like |