2023-03-09 Ключевые слова: PWR Vogtle Electric Generating Plant is located in Waynesboro (Georgia, USA). It is operated by Southern Nuclear Operating Co., Inc. The combined license was issued on 10 Feb 2022. The plant has 2 operating Westinghouse Four-Loop PWRs and 2 AP1000 under construction. Nuclear Regulatory commission finding took place on 3 Aug 2022 according to 10 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 52.103(g). The plant is equipped with Pressurized Water Reactor (AP1000). The licensed thermal power is 3400 MWt. Reactor was produced by Westinghouse and is a 2-loop type reactor.
Project historyThe U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) formed the Vogtle Readiness Group (VRG) to identify and resolve any licensing, inspection, or regulatory challenges or gaps that could impact the schedule for completion of the Vogtle construction project. The VRG is committed to communicating with the public and stakeholders by hosting public meetings related to Vogtle Units 3 and 4. |