2022-06-09 Приглашаем принять участие в онлайн-семинаре, организованном Международным проектом МАГАТЭ по инновационным ядерным реакторам и топливным циклам (ИНПРО): «Как МАГАТЭ помогает обеспечить устойчивость ядерной энергетики». Семинар пройдет во вторник 5 июля с 14.00 до 15.30 (Central European Summer Time). Небольшая справка по ИНПРО и семинару: The IAEA’s International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles (INPRO) was established in 2000 based on an IAEA General Conference resolution to support efforts leading to long-term sustainable development and deployment of nuclear energy to help meet growing global energy needs in the current century and beyond. The activities of INPRO are based on an integrated and forward-looking approach that takes into consideration all aspects important to the sustainability of nuclear energy: economics, safety, security, environmental impact, non-proliferation, and effective national and international infrastructure. The webinar aims to raise awareness and foster understanding of the concept of sustainable nuclear energy development, and issues and challenges related to strategic nuclear energy planning as addressed by INPRO. During the webinar INPRO experts will present and discuss the concept of nuclear energy sustainable development, the assessment of sustainability of the nuclear energy systems with INPRO methodology, and the role of innovations in achieving the sustainability of nuclear energy. Find more information about the webinar here: How the IAEA helps ensure that nuclear energy is sustainable | IAEA |