Материал портала ядерных знаний BelNET
статья/документ по запросу ресурса "10"
![]() IAEA No. GSR Part 4 ISSN 1020-525X STI/PUB/1375 ISBN 978–92–0–112808–9 2009-05-01 40 P. Vienna Ключевые слова: Safety Requirements IAEA Safety Standards for protecting people and the environment. Radioactivity is a natural phenomenon and natural sources of radiation are features of the environment. Radiation and radioactive substances have many beneficial applications, ranging from power generation to uses in medicine, industry and agriculture. The radiation risks to workers and the public and to the environment that may arise from these applications have to be assessed and, if necessary, controlled. Activities such as the medical uses of radiation, the operation of nuclear installations, the production, transport and use of radioactive material, and the management of radioactive waste must therefore be subject to standards of safety. Superseded by GSR Part 4 Rev. 1 |
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